I did try a practice the nice thing back then and even today is weknew sort of what the worst case was going to be for our premiums and if weboth had to blow through our deductibles what that would present so basically itwas $12,000 worth of deductible if we both happen to get really sick and wehad about three thousand dollars a year or maybe four thousand dollars a yearworth of premiums for the for the plan we were prepared to spend $12,000 a yearfor our deductible and fortunately we didn't and that's probably why we'recoming so far under budget because we budgeted for high deductible $12,000 ayear possibly so it's nice to know at least what the worst case is going to beand we had planned for that yes so as 2018 rolled around and we were lookingto sign up for our health insurance we realized something 

that we hadn't knownpreviously and that was that the insurance we had been on for the twoprior years did not cover us when we were outside of the state of Coloradoand it wasn't just that plan that didn't cover us all of the ACA plans were notgoing to cover us outside of Colorado so that was a really big thing to learn itwas huge and we were really lucky that we hadn'tfound out the hard way okay so here it is the beginning of 2018we're ready to sign up with our same insurance that's been working for 2016and 2017 that same insurance company offered a plan but all of the doctorsthat we had been using were no longer part of that plan so that was kind ofnot a great thing and there was an option to have a difference to go withBlue Cross Blue Shield it was an additional thousand dollars a month tohave a plan that included our doctors $1,000 a month that we'd they're onlylike maybe three two doctors for me and one for him where it wasn't so crazy sowe decided like I guess we're just not gonna keep our same doctors anymorewhich really stinks so we signed up for a new plan I'm not gonna mention themcuz I don't want to be sued because

 we were really unhappy with them but thisplan when we did our research before choosing them we went online and sawthat there are all kinds of doctors in our area that we could go to no problemand it looked like they were accepting new patients online no problem so wesign up for our plan for the year and we get on the phone maybe even the firstmonth or so to get an appointment just to have a relationship with a doctor andturns out we couldn't find one that were accepting this program nope I think Ihad a physical that was I think the only advantage we took of that insurance wasI got a physical from a doctor that I did happen to find here in Parker justrandomly yeah I didn't I don't think you even liked that person so much so Ididn't go and yeah and so we decided to add on an additional health carecoverage provider I guess I don't know add something on for 2018 so that wecould go to the doctor so we continued our ACA plan for 2018 and then we addit on another plan so we signed up for what's called a health sharing ministryin June of 2018 it's called Liberty health shares and it's very affordableit's three hundred and fifty dollars for the two of us with a deductible ofseventeen fifty for the pair of us total they don't like these health insuranceterms because they are not a health insurance company they're a healthserang minister

 so it's kind of some way differentthings than you will find with the ACA plan terminology wise they use completely different terms now I am able to go to mydoctors however I'm still not so sure that those are covered because we'rewaiting for those bills to be processed from the fall of last year I still havea primary health insurance company on the ACA even though I'm not using it Idon't know that I'm allowed to like bypass it to go to Liberty I think if Ionly had Liberty that might be a different situation so that's kind of alittle tricky I do have the ACA I do have Liberty we have both and I stillwant to go see all my doctors who aren't covered by my ACA plan I will say thatLiberty isn't that quick to process things we are waiting waiting waitingwaiting it is our experience when we originally signed up we were hoping thatLiberty was going to be our sole insurance provider unfortunately theyconsidered my back surgery that I've had two years prior pre-existing conditionand they excluded my spine completely they will not cover my spine howeverthey said that we'll take you on board we just won't cover your spine in anyway shape or form so 

what that left us with is I at least still had to have theACA I couldn't rely on them solely because my spine wouldn't be covered sowe had to have or I had to have two types of insurance in order to have mywhole self covered and the reason why I went with Liberty Healthshares is Iwanted to get in there before I had a pre-existing conditionTim had some other things like a little skin cancer thing removed so they saidwe're not gonna cover that for something like a year or two years but his spinewas a totally different thing they said we are never going to cover anythingwith your back no matter what it doesn't even have to be about the thing that wasoperated on in the past never gonna touch 

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