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 Yes we are creating a Tesla insurance product. Um, and we hope to launch that, uh, in-inabout a month] [Ok] [It will be much more compelling than anythingelse out there] Since then, Tesla insurance has launched inCalifornia with plans to expand coverage throughout the US over time. Those of you familiar with legendary investorWarren Buffet will know he built his empire on the back of insurance businesses, startingmore than half a century ago. The Automotive insurance market in just theUnited States is almost $300 billion dollars today and Tesla is uniquely positioned totake a disproportionately large slice of this--relative to its fleet size--as its product offeringwill be almost impossible to compete with. In this video I explain why Tesla insurancewill dominate and transform the automotive insurance industry, while simultaneously fuellingTesla’s rapid growth and expansion. How Insurance Works First, a quick primer on insurance. The most important piece of the insurancepuzzle are actuaries. These are well-paid professionals who analyzefinancial risk using mathematics,
 statistics and financial theories. Their job is to determine how much of a premiummust be charged to customers to statistically ensure a profitable company. If premiums are too low, insurance payoutswill bankrupt the company. If they’re too high, no one will buy yourinsurance. It’s a fine line, and the better your data,the more clarity you have around risk, and the more accurately you can price your insuranceproduct. The thing is, most actuaries have access tothe same data. It’s broad and general. Tesla, however, has a RIDICULOUS competitiveadvantage. The Data A Tesla truly is a smartphone on wheels. The on-board telemetry is out of control. Every time you plug in at home, your Teslais uploading a mountain of anonymous driving data to help improve Tesla’s self drivingAI, among other things. Data is so important in pricing insurancerisk that many insurance companies will provide customers a telematics device to install intheir vehicles which measures things like speed, acceleration and braking to determinehow “safe” you are as a driver, and thus to price your insurance accordingly. Well, Tesla has more data than ANYONE else,by a stupid margin. While Tesla insurance doesn’t utilise thisdata yet, you can bet they will over time, 
and by doing so, will be able to either dropprices, increase margins or both. I really want to stress how important thisis. No other insurance company can know what Teslacan about the driving habits of a Tesla driver. No one can therefore price insurance as accuratelyand CHEAPLY as Tesla will be able to. It just won’t be possible to compete. Tesla knows when you brake, accelerate, howfast you do both, your reaction times, whether you’re ludicrous mode, whether you’relaunching at every set of lights, whether you’re following too close, whether you’restaying in your lane, how aggressively you turn your wheel, whether the air con is on,whether music is playing, whether you hands are on the wheel and with a suite of camerasand other sensors available; what’s going on around them and perhaps, if you give thempermission, Tesla insurance may even know if your eyes were on the road. I won’t be surprised if in the future, Teslaallows customers to opt-in to “full insurance data”, giving Tesla more data in exchangefor an even more competitive insurance premium. So, one more time. Other insurers will have literally NO HOPEof competitively offering insurance for Tesla vehicles when Tesla themselves has a gargantuanand exclusive data advantage. There’s no getting around this.


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