They'repaying you five percent dude what's your bank paying you probably a whole lotless and a normal bank if it is government insured will usually insuredup to 250,000 dollars here what I love about this type of Bank is that my moneyis entirely untouchable what I mean by that is someone cannot litigate andaccess this money and actually pull it out of the account it's yours which ithink is pretty awesome the third benefit that I really love about this isthat I can borrow my money out and what I can do is I'm going to build what Icall a tax shelter the tax shelter means this every time I make a payment everymonth into building that account that pit gets deeper and deeperand deeper I can borrow the money I can use it to invest I can use it forbusiness I can use it for a number of things and then when I pay the moneyback my money gets to grow tax-free at that dividend rate how cool is that likethat's huge so based on this loan when people ask this question is lifeinsurance and investment how is it investment well for me it's aninvestment different than the way most are looking at

 it check out myperspective the world first of all says hey you're earning 5% that'sdiversification that's better than your savings account that's probably not toodifferent than your 401k in your IRA so yeah it's a good investment this iswhere I want to challenge that if all you're doing is earning 5% on your moneyyou're screwed you're never gonna be able to earn enough money for retirementto get where you want to go because 5% compounding over time it is patheticyou've got to start super young and you've got to be often committed for 40years maybe 50 years but I have the ability to pull this money out and Ihave the ability to put it into business I can put it into a number of othervehicles for me I dumped that sucker right into real estatewhy because I can get my real estate to produce 20% 25% I can produce muchbigger gains and I'm doing that on 

properties I'm buying every single dayof the week 20% is bigger than 5% in this scenario you can combine themtogether and you can get the benefits of both of them when I say that whole lifeinsurance is a great investment I don't mean in and of itself I mean because inand of itself I get a death benefit I'm getting a dividend way bigger than I'mgetting anywhere else no one else can touch it it's producing these awesometax benefits but I can pull it out and guess what I can do I can put it rightinto the game of real estate and this is where
 it becomes extraordinary becausenow I can layer my banking policy with life insurance and I can layer it on topof my real estate and the two of them combined are significantly bigger andway more successful than they would be apart if you have learned the disciplineof saving money then you should be saving money this way instead of justputting it into a silly bank account because every dollar that you have heregives you benefits that no ordinary or normal bankcould actually ever give you and number two it's going to eventually be time foryou to make your move there's gonna be an amazing deal abusiness acquisition a business that you want to start a real estate dealsomething where you're saying

 it's time to get some super leverage I need toextend my arms of leverage and how am I going to do that I'm gonna do that byaccessing my whole life policy I'm gonna put it in my investmentgive me an opportunity potential for some higher returns pick up dualbenefits my friends for me that is not only one of the most sophisticatedapproaches to real estate investment in business but it picks up all these otherbenefits that you can't find anywhere else now here's the downside you couldtalk to anyone who sells life insurance and they would love to sell you a termpolicy or whole policy but very few know how to structure a policy that gives youall of the benefits designed for future investing which means that you've got tofind the people out there that know how to do

 it now I've only met three peoplein the last decade that know how to structure these in a way that reallybenefits you and I with our future investments and what I've done is if youclick the link below I'll give you immediate access to a list of the peoplethat I work with people I've worked with that I implicitly trust that have yourbest interests at heart now whether you're just starting to getahead or whether you've been in the financial game for a long time the timeto set up a whole life policy that supports your investments is now thelonger you have it the better the advantage and if you already have a lifeinsurance policy but it's not designed to give you this benefit

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